Few Tips to Help You Write Email Subject Lines
Why did the email marketer use A/B testing? 🤔 To "C" how the open rates would look! 🦗
Yeah, that didn't land earlier today either ... but as my family always says - it's a good thing I can make myself laugh! 😂 ⬇️
For the folks who are utilizing email marketing - first of all, CONGRATS - that sh*t is hard #AF.
But also - writing subject lines can be a pain in the butt, so I put together my standard checkmarks pieces together for you to help.
Emojis are your friend - but use them strategically!
Be clear and concise - get to the point! You've only got a handful of characters, so you've got to make it count.
Aim for 6 words and/or 40 characters - this is that sweet spot to fit into email inboxes.
A/B Test your subject lines to help you learn what gets your audience’s attention.
Remember, the journey has just begun, and your emails are the first step toward building a strong and enduring customer relationship.
Hey, I’m Jess - welcome!
As your paw-ssionate email partner, I can help you build and maintain a strategically smart email program that grows as your business does.